Vydáno: 12. 10. 2017

Pobyt od 1.10.2017 do 31.1.2018

Seongcheol Kim is a research fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center in the research unit of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkel, “Democracy and Democratization”, and a PhD student in political science at the Humboldt University of Berlin.  His specialization is in comparative politics, applied political theory, and discourse analysis.  He is interested in particular in Laclau’s theory of discourse, hegemony, and populism and its applications for the study of political parties and party systems.  His dissertation deals with populist discourses in the Visegrád countries from this theoretical perspective.

Goal of the research stay:

The goal of the Prague stay is to intensively follow the parliamentary and presidential election campaigns and to collect empirical materials for the discourse analysis, including electoral programs, media statements, leaders‘ speeches, and other electoral campaign materials.

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