Found 516 publications (displayed results 1 - 20)

Recently, there has been renewed interest in homemaking and domestic practices and the revival of domesticity has become related with pro-environmental values and sustainable lifestyles in Western societies. The turn to domesticity tends to be associated with women. While some authors warn of a return to traditional gender roles within the household, others view eco-domesticity as a feminist project that values domestic practices.

Topic: gender, urban and rural studies, care, parenting, životní prostředí, lifestyle

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

This article presents a mixed-methods research protocol suitable for studying everyday mobility and its effects on life chances for a wide range of populations. We argue that it can address, among other issues, two important methodological challenges in the study of mobility: addressing pre-reflexivity and habits, as well as differentiating between voluntary and forced movements.

Topic: methodology, migration and mobility, wages and incomes, technology/technique, age and ageing, standard of living

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

Macro-paintings have become a popular tool used by various actors to uplift marginalized communities in cities of the global South by transforming their physical environments. These actors operate under the assumption that improving the material conditions of these communities will lead to their overall transformation. As a result, communities serve as a focal point in this process, upon which macro-paintings are intended to have a significant impact.

Topic: housing, globalisation, identity, urban and rural studies, social inequalities, sociologická teorie, public administration

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Local and regional studies

Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic affected food systems in many countries and emphasized a lot of already existing social, economic and environmental agri-food problems. Alternative food networks (AFNs), praised for their ability to improve the food systems, were under stress, however, at the same time, the changed conditions may have opened new possibilities.

Topic: urban and rural studies, consumption, health

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

‘Homeless’ people are usually considered as citizens without property. The absence of ownership, especially in terms of housing, co-creates the very idea of homelessness in current societies. Despite this fact, ‘homeless’ citizens negotiate and experience their property, things, or the shelter in which they dwell. This paper sheds light on how this property is negotiated and experienced and how it influences home-making.

Topic: housing, urban and rural studies, methodology, human relations, social inequalities, sociologická teorie

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

There is a significant amount of evidence highlighting the health, wellbeing and social benefits of gardening during previous periods of crises. These benefits were also evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper presents a narrative review exploring gardening during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic to understand the different forms of gardening that took place during this crisis and key elements of this activity.

Topic: urban and rural studies, health, životní prostředí, lifestyle

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

This article focuses on the contemporary back-to-the-land migration of permaculture practitioners in post-socialist (1989–) Czechia. It explores the ideals and practices of self-sufficiency among back-to-the-land migrants as they relate to their migration motives and post-migration life, including the fulfilment of a dream of self-sufficiency and local community integration.

Topic: urban and rural studies, migration and mobility, regions, consumption, životní prostředí, lifestyle

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

Jak vnímáme staré stromy a jakou hodnotu jim přikládali lidé dříve? Máme dnes ještě zájem o starobylé mohutné stromy a jejich svědectví? A jak se vůbec lidská společnost vztahovala ke stromům v historii (památné stromy, paměť stromů) a jak s nimi nakládá v současnosti (stromy v zemědělství, stromy jako symbol či jako klíčová komponenta lesních ekosystémů)? Jak například poznáme, že se stromy používaly pro těžbu pryskyřice? Jaké jsou stopy tradičního ořezávání stromů v současné krajině?

Topic: životní prostředí

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

The study presented in this paper uses a representative sample of the Czech population to analyse the relationships between attitudes to trees and preferences for landscapes with trees. We ask whether a positive assessment of the environmental benefits of trees in general and old and dead trees in particular leads to preferences for close-to-nature forms of the tree landscape.

Topic: životní prostředí

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

Covid-19 významně ohrozil nejen zdraví obyvatelstva a fungování zdravotnictví, ale i mnoho dalších oblastí lidského života. Epidemiologická opatření narušila běžné fungování společnosti a odrazila se i ve fungování kriminality a bezpečnostních složek. Proměny a dopady těchto omezení a opatření, zejména omezení pohybu (tzv. lockdowny), dokumentuje zpráva pomocí porovnání struktury a intenzity kriminality "před" obdobím covidu (2018-2019), "během" něj (2020) a "po" něm (2021- 2022).

Topic: crime, regions, social inequalities, public administration, health

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: Local and regional studies

The analysis is based on a sample of 1015 citizens from Czechia. The cognitive energy literacy index (CELI), based on the knowledge of the energy mix in electricity production and the knowledge of the import/export of electricity in Czechia, is constructed in this article. The research aims to answer the following questions: What is the level of CELI within the population of Czechia? To what extent do the selected socio-demographic indicators affect the CELI?

Topic: energetika, consumption, public policy, životní prostředí

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

Česko patří k relativně skeptičtějším evropským státům v pohledu na klimatickou změnu, zejména co se týče názorů na odpovědnost člověka za změnu klimatu a na potřebnost jednotlivých opatření vedoucích ke zmírnění jejích dopadů. Tento článek se soustředí na poměrně nenápadný aspekt přítomnosti klimaskeptických názorů v mediální prezentaci této problematiky v českém kontextu, a to na komunikaci pochybností o vědeckých poznatcích o klimatické změně vědci samotnými.

Topic: klimatická změna

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

The lifestyle associated with ecofeminism turns towards the family, the home and local communities. This is not a simple reproduction of traditional gender roles, but rather a return to the possibilities of emancipation based on intelligence and creativity.

Topic: gender, klimatická změna, životní prostředí, lifestyle

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Local and regional studies

This article explores the operation of homeless encampments as a part of governance by highlighting the role of affective atmospheres. The COVID-19 pandemic and the imposition of lockdowns have seen the introduction of unprecedented measures into homelessness governance in Czech cities. Some have set up temporary homeless encampments as a response to the declaration of the state of emergency.

Topic: housing, urban and rural studies, social inequalities, sociologická teorie, public administration

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

The paper repositions homelessness in existing cities by highlighting the importance of transformative economic agency. Relying on a combination of long-term ethnographic research in the city of Pilsen, a traditional industrial second-order city in Czechia, and political–economic analysis, this paper introduces the concept of the quasi-household economy (QHE). This economy connects the informal and formal spheres and involves not only “homeless” people but also some classes of housed people.

Topic: housing, dluhy, economics, globalisation, kultura, urban and rural studies, human relations, wages and incomes, social inequalities, sociologická teorie

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

Rural governance increasingly involves a broad range of political agents – but whom do rural dwellers consider responsible for creating and maintaining local opportunity structures? Focusing on the issue of places to socialise, our paper investigates resident-municipality relations in peripheralised rural regions of Czechia and eastern Germany. We draw from problem-centred resident interviews using an actor-centred, multimodal concept of responsibility.

Topic: trust/social cohesion, urban and rural studies, care, politics (and political attitudes), public policy

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

The Green Deal, a European Commission initiative aimed at protecting the climate and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, has sparked controversy in the Czech public debate. An analysis of the media discourse on the Green Deal from an energy perspective shows that the Green Deal is perceived mostly negatively. In the media, it has been labelled with condemnatory statements and negative characterisations, especially by leading Czech politicians.

Topic: energetika, klimatická změna, media, politics (and political attitudes), životní prostředí

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: Local and regional studies

The aim of this text is to describe and compare the residential segregation of foreigners in Prague and Central Bohemian region in years 2012–2018. The distribution of foreigners is measured using a new method of individualized scalable neighbourhoods. This method allows to compare the distribution of minority and majority population on multiple scales and does not depend on the statistical-administrative division of the territory.

Topic: housing, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, public administration

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

Příspěvek se zaměřuje na stěhování a rezidenční mobilitu cizinců v Praze a Středočeském kraji, kde se soustředí značná část cizinecké populace Česka. Na základě kombinace dvou zdrojů dat ukazuje, že vzhledem ke specifickým prostorovým vzorcům pobytu a pohybu mají cizinci nezanedbatelnou roli v procesu utváření sociálně-prostorové struktury regionu.

Topic: housing, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, public administration

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

Mizí z venkovských obcí obchody a další služby? Jaký význam mají ve vesnicích malotřídní školy? Co zvyšuje atraktivitu venkova? Podobné otázky si často kladou starostové obcí, novináři i sami obyvatelé venkova. Zajímají se o občanskou vybavenost a její význam. Často se objevují tvrzení, že vybavenost malých obcí je nedostatečná, popřípadě se zhoršuje. Je až s podivem, že důkladná analýza vybavenosti malých obcí až dosud v Česku nebyla k dispozici.

Topic: housing, urban and rural studies, regions, social inequalities, standard of living

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Local and regional studies
