Found 857 publications (displayed results 661 - 680)

This study of the final report on the research project “An Analysis of the Occurrence of the Harassment of Women and Men and Sexual Harassment at the Workplace”, conducted in 2004-2005 and commissioned by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Topic: gender, sexuality

Type of publication: Working paperDepartment: Gender & Sociology

In the report for Workpackage 6 a description is provided of the political process behind the implementation of the principle ofgender mainstreaming in the Czech Republic. The report begins by examining the state of institutional and legislative measures in place relating to gender equality prior to 1989, and then it proceeds to describe the process whereby the principle of gender mainstreaming has been implemented since 1989, including the institutions involved and the methods used.

Topic: gender, work, social inequalities

Type of publication: Working paperDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The article consists of an analysis of the influence of the EU enlargement on women's NGOs and women's groups in the Czech Republic. Mainly, processes of professionalization, project-orientation and reform-orientation of women's NGOs are analyzed as consequences of Czech Republic's accession to the EU. 

Topic: gender

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The new labour market model that evolved in the Czech Republic after 1989 and the family strategiesof women and men are two spheres that interact and overlap at various levels of society and in theindividual strategies of those involved. The changes to the circumstances surrounding labour marketparticipation that resulted from the economic, political and cultural changes in Czech society and

Topic: gender, work, family

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The chapter offers an overview of different approaches to the problem of harmonization of work and family, going from the U. Beck´s theory of individualization of the society to contemporary feminist theories.

Topic: gender, work, family

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The article deal with the historical development of the childcare facilities, analyses their availability, flexibility, affordability. It is focused on the parental acceptability of the facilities for children as well as the other working time arrangements facilitating combination of work and family lifes.

Topic: gender, care, work, family, social policy

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

This study analyse the strategies of the different actors involved at various levels of society: families, individuals (women and men), the companies and organisations that use the given policies, and the conditions and opportunities for combining work and family. In part this refers specifically to the individual strategies used to combine work and family commitments by women, who are still considered to be primarily responsible for running the family.

Topic: gender, work, family, public policy

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Analyses of chances in the labour market (especially wages) in contex of no/having a child was done by the prevalent life cycle od women, e.g. by their age. The analyse of statistical data confirmes the enequalities between woman according to the period of nohaving a child and having a child and also in comparison with male population. The next part is focused to the higly qualified women and their chances and perspectives in the labour market.

Topic: gender, wages and incomes, work, parenting

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The study is a sociological comparison of the work/life strategie of different cathegories of women based on thein work positron and family situation in the czech society dutiny the last 15 years.

Topic: gender, work, family

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Zpráva z konference Rodina na prelome tisícročia seznamující s hlavními příspěvky. The report informing about the main conference papers.

Topic: gender, family

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The study focuses on the motivations for going into business, which proved to be significantly differentiated according to gender, with women citing the possibilities for combining work and family responsibilities as one of the main motivations for going into business.

Topic: gender, human relations, work

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The article is based on comparative analysis of data from the international longitudinal survey ISSP 1994 and 2002 focused on gender roles and family. Based on the analysis European countries were divided according to their inhabitants´ opinions on gender roles and working mothers.

Topic: gender, work, social policy

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Authors focus on Czech women’s organizing in recent years within context of increasing pressure on organizations to professionalize and become project-and reform-oriented. They discuss reasons for and consequences of changes in funding and orientation that have accompanied European enlargement. Then, they turn to a closer look at the interplay between increasingly professionalized women’s NGOs and explicitly anti-institutional groups of anarchofeminists.

Topic: gender

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: gender, parenting, family

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The article notifies about the conference focused on the role of power, politics and massmedia in strengthening of gender stereotypes. 

Topic: gender, media, social inequalities

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The process of the individualization of the society has already been in progress for several centuries. One of its consequences is the increase of differences among individuals, the advocacy of the individual interests instead of the collective ones and mostly the growth of the space for free choices and decisions. The second side of the increasing freedom is the growth of the insecurity. However, this process is irreversible.

Topic: gender, parenting, family

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Vážené čtenářky, vážení čtenáři, letošní čtvrté číslo informačního čtvrtletníku Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum, které právě vychází, je číslem posledním, neboť výzkumný projekt, jenž jeho vydávání rámoval, končí.

Topic: gender, work, family

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: parenting

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Eastern Europe has been recognized as a region that has experienced major socio-political and economic changes in the last decades. The impact of these transitions on families and their functioning has also been significant. The book fills the void in literature and provides a timely and comprehensive analysis of family issues in this region. The authors explain family process inthe particular country focusing on the historic, social and economic contexts and the impact they have on families

Topic: gender, parenting, family

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology
