Found 857 publications (displayed results 61 - 80)

Kniha Podnikatelky? komplexně mapuje situaci podnikatelek v České republice. Vznikala jako jeden z hlavních výstupů tříletého projektu s názvem OSVČ jako prekérní práce, podpořeného z Operačního programu Zaměstnanost Evropského sociálního fondu. Jejím cílem je upozornit na specifická rizika, která mohou provázet podnikání žen v různých etapách života nebo v různých situacích (např.

Topic: gender, work, social inequalities

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The chapter explores how pronatalism has influenced the formation of reproductive and care policies in Czechia. It shows that the pronatalist framing has been selective in the historical as well as the present-day debates on reproduction.

Topic: gender, care, social policy

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Kniha přináší komplexní vhled do vývoje a současné podoby českého práva ve vztahu k partnerství a rodičovství gayů a leseb, případně párů stejného pohlaví. Diskutována jsou témata jako partnerství, manželství, družství či rodina. Specificky se publikace zaměřuje na stejnopohlavní vztahy spojené s rodičovstvím (tzv. homoparentalitou) a na práva a povinnosti z nich vyplývající, případně na práva a povinnosti v těchto vztazích v důsledku nastavení legislativy chybějící.

Topic: gender, parenting, family

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Research on women’s entrepreneurship often fails to uncover the gendered way in which women’s roles and responsibilities are portrayed and it neglects the connections between ideas about what roles women play in business and in the family and the social context in which these ideas are embedded.

Topic: gender, work, family

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: gender, migration and mobility

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

This article explores the relationships between partnership trajectories and having an only child. Few studies have focused on one-child families, even though in many countries having just one child is the main factor driving sub-replacement fertility levels. Little is known especially about how non-progression to a second child relates to partnership trajectories. This article contributes to filling these gaps by using a mixed-methods life-course research.

Topic: gender, parenting

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

We interviewed separately partners in twelve CR copreneurial couples to understand their possibly divergent perspectives on motives for copreneurship. Blenkinsopp and Owens argue that family businesses are a uniquely hybrid organizations that blend economic and caring concerns. Our analysis is guided by a structured-agency approach that focuses on how societal norms, the economy, and government policies influence entrepreneurial decisions.

Topic: gender

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Despite the fact that not having a partner is a strong predictor for remaining childless, few studies have explored the heterogeneity of partnership trajectories among childless persons. This article fills the gap in knowledge about the pathways to childlessness in Central Europe by exploring the within-group diversity of partnership trajectories among childless persons between the ages of 18 and 40 under state socialism and during the post-1989 transformation in the Czech Republic.

Topic: family

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

This article explores young people’s imaginations of their future family life. Based on qualitative research among young people in North Bohemia, it considers social reproduction and change within the domain of gendered labour and parenting. This is done on the backdrop of post-1989 transformation of Czech society, where drives towards individualisation and diversification of the life course stand against discourses and policies supporting separate gender roles.

Topic: gender, value orientations, parenting, family, social policy

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

ČR vykazuje dlouhodobě jeden z nejvyšších rozdílů v průměrných mzdách mužů a žen (GPG) v rámci EU. Za příčinu vy-sokého GPG bývá v ČR často považována rozdílná úroveň vzdělání anebo segregace do kategorií zaměstnání. Segrega-ce do kategorií zaměstnání nicméně vysvětluje pouze asi čtvrtinu celkového rozdílu mezd a ženy dosahují vyššího vzdě-lání než muži.

Topic: gender, wages and incomes, care

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Remaining childless or having just one child are two different experiencesand each is attached to a different social status. However, they canalso be viewed through a unifying lens as phenomena that contribute to lowfertility. Theories that seek to explain low fertility often attribute both phenomenato the same causes. This article examines what factors are connectedto a person’s intention to remain childless or to have just one child and

Topic: parenting

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The article examines the intersection between the gender culture and the neoliberaltransformation of research and academia. It focuses on the impact of the transformation on theearly-career women academic researchers in the Czech Republic (CR). It examines a sample ofwomen academics to see how their career paths unfold over time and identify the mechanisms,factors, and barriers that affect their academic careers in the early stages. The article looks at

Topic: gender

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The paper discusses how selective pronatalism has been incorporated into childcare and reproductive health policies in the socialist state of Czechoslovakia (1948–1989). It answers the question of how pronatalist framing has been used to categorise ‘others’, whose procreation has been deemed undesirable.

Topic: gender, parenting, family, social policy

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Článek se zaměřuje na analýzu bariér rodičovství u leseb, gayů a bisexuálních jedinců (LGB) a jejich preferencí cest k rodičovství. Využívá k tomu data z reprezentativního šetření provedeného v polovině roku 2019 na téma rodičovských tužeb a intencí osob s neheterosexuální identitou. Získaná data za 377 LGB jedinců jsou komparována se specifickou skupinu 374 heterosexuálů a heterosexuálek.

Topic: gender

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology
