Found 3872 publications (displayed results 801 - 820)

Kamila Fialová, Dana Hamplová, Martina Mysíková, Zdeněk R. Nešpor, Jiří Večerník (editor). Work, Values, Well-being. Czech Reality in a European Context. Prague, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2016, 416 p.

Topic: economics, work, education, standard of living

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Topic: identity

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

In the article, manifestations of social disadvantage in peripheral rural settings in the Czech Republic are investigated. Based on the theory of local opportunity structures, the authors identify various aspects of the spatial context that intersect with individual handicaps of people and their households and contribute to poverty and social exclusion. Moreover, coping strategies of vulnerable rural inhabitants are investigated.

Topic: urban and rural studies, regions, social inequalities, standard of living

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Local and regional studies

Kniha přispívá k diskusi o podmínkách a okolnostech politické participace žen v ČR. Vychází z aktuálních dat kvantitativní i kvalitativní povahy. Představuje teoretické přístupy k uchopení problematiky žen v politice, zaměřuje se na zastoupení žen v politice v českém kontextu a na jeho vývoj, na názory a postoje české veřejnosti na ženy v politice a nástroje jejich podpory a věnuje se také životním a pracovním drahám vrcholových političek.

Topic: gender, politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The Role of Human Capital in Labour Market Outcomes: A Comparative Study of Six European Nations Participating in the PIAAC Project.

Topic: economics, wages and incomes, work, transformation, education

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to answer following question: what is the relationship between member activism performed through civil society organizations (CSOs) and individualized freelance activism (in form of online activism, everyday making, political consumerism or checkbook activism) independent of organizational framework? Is it a relationship of mutual competition or support?

Topic: civil society

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

Kapitola srovnává přechod od autoritativního režimu v Československu k pluralitní demokracii ve dvou (později nezávislých) státech - České republice a Slovenské republice. Přitom je zvláštní pozornost věnována fungování demokracie v rámci konceptu ukotvené demokracie a je srovnáván vliv interních a externích faktorů.

Topic: transformation

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Political Sociology

Topic: social inequalities, education

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Political Sociology

Topic: work, family

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: crime, media

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Political Sociology

Parent-child interaction and early literacy development in the beginning of the school

Topic: parenting, social inequalities, education

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive, Local and regional studies

Employees in many European countries do have at their disposal various working-time options. Shorter working hours, leave options and flexible working-time arrangements enable employees to adjust their working time to meet their needs over the life course. The current study presents new national studies on working time options over the life course in five European countries.

Topic: care, work, social policy

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

This guide is the outcome of a project based on qualitative and quantitative empirical research that examined the social embeddedness of decisions about the location and construction of a deep geological repository (DGR) for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste in the Czech Republic.

Topic: trust/social cohesion, urban and rural studies, civil society, public administration, životní prostředí

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre

The book chapter analyzes profound economic and political changes in Czech society after 1989 from spatial perspective. The Czech society was very egalitarian in socio-economic terms at the end of 1980’s. The economic transformation dramatically changed the institutional setting, the ownerships structure and “the rule of the game” in economy, which opened the way for more social diversity and inequality.

Topic: politics (and political attitudes), regions, elections (and polls)

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

Publikace představuje formou portrétních fotografií a stručných medailonů nominované a laureátky Ceny Milady Paulové v letech 2009 - 2016, jejich profesní zaměření a výzkumná témata, jimž se věnují. Cena Milady Paulové byla ustavena Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR v roce 2009 a je každoročně udílena ve spolupráci s Národním kontaktním centrem – gender a věda Sociologického ústavu AV ČR. Je udělována vědkyním za jejich celoživotní přínos české vědě.

Topic: gender, sociology of science

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
