Chapter in monograph
Bradová, Eva, Tomáš Lebeda. 2007. „Nerozhodnutí voliči a volební kampaň.“ Pp. 111-132 in Lebeda, Tomáš, Lukáš Linek, Pat Lyons, Klára Vlachová et al. Voliči a volby 2006. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. 234 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-126-2.

In this chapter, the authors are identifying key variables, which influence time-of-voting decision and the susceptibility for campaign effects. Using Czech Election Study 2006 data the authors analyze the role of late deciders in the campaign. This study exercises the differences between long time decided voters and late deciding voters from the perspective of their socio-demographic characteristics, attitudes and party choice as well.


Part of publication: 
Lebeda, Tomáš, Lukáš Linek, Pat Lyons, Klára Vlachová et al.


politics (and political attitudes)
elections (and polls)
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