Found 3872 publications (displayed results 3341 - 3360)

Topic: gender, media

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Political Sociology

The contribution aims at theoretical as well as general determination of the framework in which the process of articulation of interest with a stress on agricultural sector takes place. This framework is further applied on the analysis of empirical material.

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Paper published in conference proceedingsDepartment: Political Sociology

The article informs about visit of renowned sociologist Zygmunt Bauman in Prague, where he received an honorary doctorate from Charles University. It reviews also his lecture, he gave at this occasion at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Topic: history of sociology

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: trust/social cohesion

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Paper published in conference proceedingsDepartment: Political Sociology

Topic: politics (and political attitudes), public administration

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Political Sociology

Topic: politics (and political attitudes), public administration

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Political Sociology

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: Political Sociology

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Political Sociology

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Political Sociology

Číslo bulletinu Gender – rovné příležitosti – výzkum, které se vám nyní dostává do rukou, shrnuje několik na první pohled spíše různorodých témat. Tato témata spojuje problematika rovných příležitostí žen a mužů v souvislosti se vstupem České republiky do Evropské unie.  

Topic: gender, sociology of science

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: gender, work, social inequalities

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The text is a regular contribution into the publication called Data Yearbook. It describes political changes in the Czech republic during the year 2001. The article focuses in such problems as was the composition of government, relations between the Cabinet and the Parliament, institutional changes of the Constitution and of the electoral law, and on the main issues of the Czech politics.

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Political Sociology

The aim of the study was to reveal the degree to which government legislative planning fulfilled the following coordinative tasks: distributing legislative tasks and establishing a timetable for their completion; balancing political interests and transforming the legal code during harmonising Czech law with ES law and reforming the Czech legal code. This empirical study has an investigative character.

Topic: EU, politics (and political attitudes), public policy

Type of publication: Paper published in conference proceedingsDepartment: Political Sociology

Topic: gender, work, family

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: gender, work, social inequalities

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The main objective of the work is to answer the question of how Czech MPs and PPGs makedecisions. Thus main concerns of the authors are issues of PPG unity, the adopted mechanismsof internal control and negotiation and, primarily, the factors that influence, structureand restrict the behaviour of individual MPs and PPGs. The work focuses on the 3rd electoralterm of the Chamber of Deputies (1998–2002); in some cases a comparison with previous

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Political Sociology

This article is a reaction to a study published in the last issue of Political Science Review about the application of the Katz and Mair theory of cartel party to the Czech experience. In that study, the author illustrates the progressing cartellisation of Czech political parties in 4 areas. This present author rejects the approach that reduces the application of cartel theory to the system level, and argues in favour of the level of individual parties.

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Political Sociology

The study summarizes the results of the authors’ nearly decade-long effort (related to thestudy of the post-socialist transformation of Czech society) to gain an empirical and theoreticalknowledge of the process of how social elites are created and consolidated. Socialelites are understood primarily as the foremost stratification groupings, which enter intocomplicated interactions with the social system, its economic and political institutional

Topic: elites, transformation

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre
