Found 3871 publications (displayed results 3721 - 3740)

Topic: value orientations, civil society, public opinion

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

Topic: housing, social policy

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: gender, work

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: transformation, public policy

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Topic: elections (and polls)

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Topic: civil society, public policy

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: politics (and political attitudes), public policy

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: politics (and political attitudes), regions

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

Topic: social policy

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Topic: elections (and polls)

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: elections (and polls)

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: gender, work

Type of publication: Paper published in conference proceedingsDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: gender, work

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: social policy

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Topic: wages and incomes, public policy

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Topic: family, public opinion

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: public policy

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Topic: politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies
