Found 3872 publications (displayed results 1161 - 1180)

Demographic change is one of the most important challenges for economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development in many regions of Central Europe. Population losses due to low fertility rates, migration and population ageing have already been experienced in many parts of regions, cities as well as some metropolitan areas. It is crucial to realize that population shrinkage and ageing is and will be important both for urban and rural areas in Central Europe.

Topic: EU, regions, social policy, age and ageing

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: Local and regional studies

Topic: history of sociology

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

The first part of this article looks at the comparability of the cross-country PVQ scale tested on the basis of the Sixth Round of the European Social Survey. To test comparability, the classic 21-item tool is used to measure ten different types of value orientation. These value types are based on Schwartz’s original basic human values theory. In order to test equivalence, a multiple group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) was used.

Topic: value orientations, kultura, methodology

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Urban-rural research in post-socialist countries has focused on urban transformation, the impact of international migration and the spread of suburbanisation; little attention has been paid to counterurban migration. The aim of this article is to propose a typology of counterurban migration strategies based on quantitative research in rural areas in the Czech Republic.

Topic: economics, migration and mobility, lifestyle

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

The e-book is especially targeted to practitioners at the local and regional level who face demographic change (ageing, population shrinking, selective migration) in their everyday work, or will be possibly exposed to such changes in the future.

Topic: housing, economics, migration and mobility, regions, age and ageing, public policy

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: Local and regional studies

Článek analyzuje funkci, kterou v díle raného M. Heideggera plní myšlenka destrukce, a zkoumá na tomto základě, jak je obecně možné charakterizovat vztah mezi hermeneutikou a destrukcí, resp. vzhledem k pozdějšímu vývoji filozofie, mezi hermeneutikou a dekonstrukcí. Při analýze pojmu destrukce je položen důraz na to, jak je postup destrukce použit na tradici aristotelské substancialistické ontologie a na Kantovu teorii poznání, což jsou dvě klíčová témata raného Heideggera.

Topic: history of sociology

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre

Článek shrnuje vývoj moderní epistemologie humanitních a sociálních věd a vztahuje jej k sociologii. Má dva cíle: 1) sledovat, jakým způsobem se formování naturalistického a hermeneutického proudu epistemologie promítlo do dělení sociologie na kvantitativní a kvalitativní; 2) ukázat důsledky novější epistemologické diskuze pro toto dělení sociologie.

Topic: history of sociology, methodology, sociologická teorie

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre

The main goal of the book is to study spatial patterns of voting behaviour in parliamentary elections in Czechia between 1920 and 2006. The book seeks to analyse voting behaviour through studying political preferences expressed by the elections of political parties in the general elections. The four types of questions have been asked: 1. How large are regional differences in electoral results on the territory of Czechia? How the voting patterns look like? 2.

Topic: urban and rural studies, regions, elections (and polls)

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Local and regional studies

Česká republika má vyrovnaný podíl žen a mužů, kteří mají kvalifikaci pro práci ve vědeckých a technických zaměstnáních. Stabilně narůstá zastoupení žen ve všech stupních vysokoškolského studia. V roce 2012 dosáhlo zastoupení žen ve výzkumu nejnižší hodnoty od roku 2001. Mezi výzkumníky jich pracovalo jen 27,4 %.

Topic: gender

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

The economic crisis has significantly challenged national welfare states and has often led to retrenchment. The question arises how countries have reacted to the crisis in the area of family policy – not directly connected to rising unemployment and also not as demanding for state spending as for example the pension system. This article analyzes family policy reforms during the crisis in three small European welfare states – Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovenia.

Topic: EU, gender, parenting, social policy, public policy

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

This paper describes changes in the housing market after the collapse of communism in Central Europe and analyses the current functions and perceptions of the private rental housing in the Czech Republic. It aims to understand why private rental housing is perceived as a sub-optimal housing solution for young adults, whether this affects their family plans, and which policy design could change that.

Topic: housing, methodology, family, public policy

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

Topic: housing, sociologická teorie

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Socioeconomics of Housing

Publikace představuje vývoj veřejného mínění ve vztahu k politickému systému a jeho aktérům, a to jak v dimenzi vnitřní, tak i zahraniční politiky. Její ambicí je komplexně a v širokých dobových souvislostech zmapovat procesy, které byly a dosud jsou charakteristické pro občanské vnímání a hodnocení transformace po roce 1989. Všechny prezentované interpretace se opírají o výsledky šetření, která byla realizována Centrem pro výzkum veřejného mínění Sociologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i.

Topic: trust/social cohesion

Type of publication: Other publicationDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre

Topic: elites, historical sociology, religion and religiosity, transformation

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies
