Found 3872 publications (displayed results 1001 - 1020)

Topic: gender, work, parenting

Type of publication: Non-peer-reviewed articleDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Rozdělení Československa je významná dějinná událost, která zásadně formovala a stále formuje národní identity Čechů a Slováků. Zároveň se tyto identity promítly v této dějinné události. Ačkoliv si oba národy byly velmi blízké a tento vztah jim zůstal i nadále, odlišný demografický vývoj a hodnotové orientace se odrážely i v jejich novém směřování po Sametové revoluci v roce 1989.

Topic: trust/social cohesion

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre

Kniha, jež vznikla v rámci projektu „Dějiny a současnost české sociologie“, zkoumá vliv sociologie na jiné vědní obory (případně vliv oboustranný), a to specificky v Českých zemích, resp. Československu a České republice. Zabývá se doposud nepříliš prozkoumanou problematikou vlivu sociologie (a to primárně sociologie české) na vybrané vědní obory v českém prostředí, její intervence a vstupování do nich: konkrétně do uměnovědných oborů, etologie a archeologie.

Topic: history of sociology, sociologická teorie

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

In this chapter the author has argued that there were four critical junctures that institutionalized a specific path of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in the Czech Republic. Its four critical junctures led to the institutionalization of a specific division of rules and concepts regarding “adequate” ECEC. The already established path of childcare and pre-school education policy places clear limits on the development of new policies.

Topic: care, social policy

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: gender, care, work

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Gender & Sociology

Topic: wages and incomes, standard of living

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Komparativní sociální výzkumy procházejí již dlouhá desetiletí dynamickým rozvojem a stále se ukazuje, že jeden z nejdůležitějších aspektů jejich kvality je ekvivalence dat. Stále však mnozí sociální vědci analyzují svá data bez vědomí toho, jaké úrovně srovnatelnosti vlastně dosahují. Cílem této studie je podrobně představit problematiku ekvivalence postojových škál a poskytnout přehled o dostupných kvantitativních technikách, kterými lze ekvivalenci testovat.

Topic: methodology, politics (and political attitudes), social capital, sociological data

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Although it is generally considered that the study of social psychology in the then Czechoslovakia commenced in the 1960s, the author here establishes the importance of the virtually forgotten earlier years of the discipline.

Topic: history of sociology

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

The article focuses on Czech/German ethnic boundary from former interwar Czechoslovakia and its persistence (or transience) in electoral behaviour in selected post-1989 elections. In the analytical part of the article links between populations in regions and electoral results is discussed in order ‘extract’ phantom borders. The analysis draws on both recent GIS data on historical spatial units and historical electoral data to explore the concept of phantom borders.

Topic: urban and rural studies, methodology, religion and religiosity, transformation, elections (and polls)

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

The article deals with explicit cultural policy and its outcomes in the post-communist Czech Republic. In the first part, the authors look at the organisational and conceptual impact on culture of the transition from a centrally managed economy to a pluralist parliamentary democracy following the collapse of the Eastern Bloc.

Topic: kultura

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

There is a forgotten chapter in (history of) the Czech sociology of work. In the early 1940s, an empirical study was conducted by Otakar Machotka among employees of the Bata company in Batov (today Otrokovice).

Topic: history of sociology

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Nejpočetnější cizineckou minoritou současné České republiky jsou Ukrajinci. Dle Českého statistického úřadu jich na území ČR pobývá 105 239 (ČSÚ k 31. 12. 2013). Tradičně se koncentrují do velkých měst a jsou zaměstnáváni v manuálních profesích. Od příjezdu prvních pracovníků se ovšem řada aspektů jejich migrace změnila. Například vedle původní cirkulační, resp. podvojné životní strategie, lze stále více zaznamenat zájem o usazení v ČR.

Topic: migration and mobility, work, social capital, social inequalities

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

The scholarly debate on size-specific features of local democratic systems is inconclusive. Contradictory arguments concerning size effects have been formulated for three normative qualities of democracy – participation, accountability and representation and for system capacity. It has been argued that increasing municipal size has the potential to improve the democratic process, but also that municipal fragmentation is the basis for quality of democracy at the local level.

Topic: urban and rural studies, politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

The article assesses well-being in the Czech Republic compared to other Visegrad countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Poland) and neighbouring Germany and Austria. By employing various approaches designed by several international organisations it takes an aggregate perspective to assess both the current well-being and its sustainability into the future. All the employed indicators that relate to current well-being evaluate the well-being in the Czech Republic as moderate among the OECD countries.

Topic: standard of living

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

This article contributes to the debate about the impact of the transition on subjective well-being. After reviewing the relevant literature the authors draw on the surveys of the European Values Study of 1991, 1999 and 2008 to describe the trends in life satisfaction in 13 Western and 11 Eastern countries. The analysis finds that life satisfaction levels in transition countries have come to approach those in the West: the ‘rather unhappy’ 1990s were followed by the ‘rather happy’ 2000s.

Topic: economics, standard of living

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Economic and Religious Studies

Topic: work

Type of publication: Public event or educational activityDepartment: Czech Social Science Data Archive

Surveys of the quality of working life in the Czech Republic usually reveal the positive image of reality, in which most workers are satisfied with their job or in which the average satisfaction found in positive values of offered scales.

Topic: work

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre
