Project duration: 
2018 - 2020

The general objective of this project is to investigate the multifaceted interrelations between social disadvantage, opportunity structures, and individual agency in rural peripheries in eastern Germany and Czechia in a comparative perspective. The project offers an innovative research focus on peripheral rural areas in three ways by directing (1) comparative attention at (2) various forms of social disadvantage in dynamically restructuring peripheral rural areas of two post-socialist societies in Central Europe, Czechia and the eastern part of Germany, by (3) focusing on three particularly disadvantaged social groups.

Empirical research has shown that social disadvantage in rural areas, manifested by poverty and deprivation, is far more typical for Central and Eastern European post-socialist transformation societies than for the western parts of Europe (Shucksmith et al. 2009; Spoor 2013). A cross-national research in two post-socialist societies would enable us to gain deeper insights in more general mechanisms of social disadvantage in rural areas and the role of local and regional opportunity structures in two countries, which despite common historical legacies undergo partly different peripheralisation processes. A comparison between Czechia and eastern Germany promises specific insights in similar and different outcomes of the post-socialist transition, rural restructuring and the commodification of rurality.

Principal investigator: 
Dr. Annett Steinführer
Dr. Stefan Neumeier
PD Dr. Andreas Klärner
migration and mobility
social inequalities
Grant agency: 
International project

Publikace vydané v rámci projektu (celkem 6, zobrazeno 1 - 6)

Tagai, Gergely, Bernard, Josef, Šimon, Martin, Koós, Bálint

This study investigates socioeconomic peripherality in Hungary and Czechia. Despite the current attention devoted to peripheries in post-communist societies, the authors argue that there is a lack of data-driven international comparisons of the socio-spatial outcomes of peripheralisation processes.

urban and rural studies, methodology, wages and incomes, social inequalities
Local and regional studies
Typ publikace:
Article with impact factor
Bernard, Josef, Contzen, Sandra, Decker, Anja, Shucksmith, Mark

This paper is summarising the state of the art of rural poverty and social exclusion research and the current developments in the field, and it proposes new research agendas. In particular, the importance of further Europeanisation and internationalisation of rural poverty research is emphasised to reduce the bias and oversimplification inherent in the tendency to apply concepts derived from the Anglo-Saxon reality to other European countries.

economics, urban and rural studies, regions, social inequalities
Local and regional studies
Typ publikace:
Article with impact factor
Bernard, Josef

This article contributes to explanations of rural poverty and deprivation by focusing on the rural–urban poverty and deprivation gap in European countries.

economics, urban and rural studies, regions, social inequalities
Local and regional studies
Typ publikace:
Article with impact factor
van Dülmen, Christoph, Šimon, Martin, Klärner, Andreas

This article explores the spatial mobility of disadvantaged populations in order to enhance our understanding of transport poverty. It is based on participatory GPS tracking data collected in peripheral rural regions in Czechia and Germany. The data provide information on the two-week mobility of 61 socially disadvantaged study participants belonging to the following groups: (a) the lone elderly, (b) the labor market disadvantaged, and (c) single parents.

dluhy, gender, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, standard of living
Local and regional studies
Typ publikace:
Article with impact factor
Bischof, S., Decker, A.

Rural governance increasingly involves a broad range of political agents – but whom do rural dwellers consider responsible for creating and maintaining local opportunity structures? Focusing on the issue of places to socialise, our paper investigates resident-municipality relations in peripheralised rural regions of Czechia and eastern Germany. We draw from problem-centred resident interviews using an actor-centred, multimodal concept of responsibility.

trust/social cohesion, urban and rural studies, care, politics (and political attitudes), public policy
Local and regional studies
Typ publikace:
Article with impact factor
van Dülmen, Christoph, Šimon, Martin, Bischof, Susann, et al.

This article presents a mixed-methods research protocol suitable for studying everyday mobility and its effects on life chances for a wide range of populations. We argue that it can address, among other issues, two important methodological challenges in the study of mobility: addressing pre-reflexivity and habits, as well as differentiating between voluntary and forced movements.

methodology, migration and mobility, wages and incomes, technology/technique, age and ageing, standard of living
Local and regional studies
Typ publikace:
Article with impact factor