Published: 13. 12. 2005

European Social Survey which Institute of Sociology AS CR takes part in received the prestigeous prize awarded by the European Commission.

European Social Survey received the prestigious
Descartes Prize 2005 from Commissioner for Science and Research, Janez
Potocnik at a high level ceremony in London. This is regarded as
Europe's most
prestigious science prize, awarded annually by the
European Commission for "excellence in scientific research". This year
there were five winners from different disciplines, but this is the
first time that a
social science and humanities project has ever
won. We consider this an important breakthrough for the social sciences
and humanities in Europe.

Research departments Value
Orientations in Society and Sociological Data Archive, Institute of
Sociology AS CR participate in the European Social Survey. ESS National
Coordinator for the Czech Republic is Klara Plecita

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