Authors: Čermák, Daniel, Jana Stachová
Cílem publikace je představení regionu Orlicko ve vědecko-výzkumných pracích několika týmů, které se podílejí na řešení projektu Rozvojové zájmy pohraničí. Region Orlicko je v projektu případovým územím pohraničí. Geograficky a společensky je region Orlicka vymezen obcemi Sdružen...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
The article is dedicated to changes that have occurred in Czech obstetrics over the past decade. Although the text is dedicated especially to topical, social and medical changes in Czech obstetrics, the fact that permanent medical as well as social changes in childbirth...
Authors: Vinopal, Jiří
The article about the phenomenon of Czech beer patriotism, that is based on the data from sociological research conducted by Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Authors: Radimská, Radka
V tomto dvojčísle letošního čtvrtletníku Gender – rovné příležitosti – výzkum se zaměřujeme na nová specifická témata a s nimi související genderové otázky. Jedná se zejména o impuls k promýšlení současné organizace vztahů mužů a žen v institucionální, společenské i s...
Authors: Nešporová, Olga
The study compares the similarities and differences in young peopleĺs transition to housing independence from their parents in three European countries - Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands ľ in the context of west European societies (EU15). The purpose was to find w...
Authors: Hana Hašková (ed.), Marta Vohlídalová, Hana Maříková, Radka Dudová, Zuzana Uhde, Alena Křížková, Lenka Formánková
The book is innovative in applying both, quantitative and qualitative life-course research methodology. The authors analyse the transformation of partner and family arrangements and identify problems connected with achieving a work-life balance in Czech society. The book explains...
Authors: Smith, Joe, Kostelecký, Tomáš, Jehlička, Petr
This paper questions assumptions about the relationship between class formation, sustainability and patterns of consumption. The empirical elements of the research are based upon qualitative and quantitative time-series research into food self-provisioning and ‘quiet sustai...
7. 11. 2018
"Budeš tu sedět, dokud to nesníš!" ... Tak takhle zero waste večeře opravdu nevypadá.
16. 9. 2019
The workshop with following discussion is promoted under research project NAKI - "Do-It-Yourself culture and its importance for Czech national and cultural identity: Current situtation in social, cultural, historical and political perspective, typology and potential for regional...
Authors: Chorvát, I., J. Šafr (eds.)
Chorvát, I., J. Šafr (eds.). 2019. Leisure, Society and Culture in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON.SummaryLeisure is often the value to which people attach importance in their lives. This book deals with leisure time at the dawn of the 21s...
Pravověrní kutilové a pravověrné kutilky už dnes jistě znají loňskou publikaci Kutilství: drobná mozaika svépomocné tvorby, ve které antropolog Petr Gibas z oddělení Socioekonomie bydlení spolu s dalšími autory a autorkami zmapoval tento pozoruhodný fenomén. V rámci souvisejícího...
13. 10. 2021 - 15. 10. 2021
Interactions between formality and informality in urban contexts: Insights from the margins
CESCAME (Centre for the Study of Social Change and the Material Environment) invites you to the online conference organised (online) at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, 13 – 15. 10., 2 – 5 pm each day (GMT +2 / Prague time).
Také v průběhu podzimních měsíců badatelé a badatelky Sociologického ústavu AV ČR vystupují v médiích. Přinášíme krátké shrnutí některých jejich mediálních výstupů.
Environmental degradation, the pandemic and growing food prices highlighted the vulnerability and unsustainability of the current food system. Its resilience can be enhanced by developing closer links with informal sources of food. The recent research shifted the interpretation o...
Trvání projektu: 2024 - 2026
Authors: Illner, Michal
The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources...
Authors: Duffková, Jana, Milan Tuček
Political, demographic, social geographic, branch, proffession, economic and cultural changes in the Czech Republic and its mutual relations. Class organisation, stratification, egalitarian levelling of Czech Society after more than ten years of transformation. Life trajectories...
Authors: Hamplová, Dana (ed.), Jana Chaloupková, Eva Soukupová, Petr Sunega, Kryštof Zeman
The book concentrates on the non-marital fertility in the Czech Republic since 1989. After the description of demographic development, chapters ask following questions. What are attitudes towards out-of-wedlock childbearing? To what extend live unmarried mothers alone? What is th...
Authors: Vinopal, Jiří
The article about the shape of institution of the Pub in temporary czech society. It informs of the tradition and specifies functions, that Pubs do supply at the societal, group and individual level. 
