Authors: Hastrmanová, Šárka
The objective of this publication is to contrast different ways of looking at the reality of parenting and child care after divorce or separation and show how multifaceted this important social phenomenon truly is. The study begins by introducing readers to the subject of post-di...
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
The author develops a critical diagnosis of the changing interpretations of the concept of emancipation of women due to broader socio-economic transformations and expansion of the market into most domains of social life. In the first part she briefly outlines the historical conte...
29. 5. 2014
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., a Magistrát města Brna Vás srdečně zve na diskusi na téma Bydlení a senioři.
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Kyzlinková, Renata
Employees in many European countries do have at their disposal various working-time options. Shorter working hours, leave options and flexible working-time arrangements enable employees to adjust their working time to meet their needs over the life course. The current study prese...
Authors: Čtvrtníková, I., Harries, K., Kašlíková, T., Krajčířová, M., Kocman, D., Zimmermanová, M.
V publikaci jsou představovány výstupy z projektu, jehož hlavním cílem bylo podpořit pečovatelské služby v jejich úsilí přizpůsobit (transformovat) organizační i obsahové nastavení vizi „Žít doma“. Ta je směrována na všechny, kdo potřebují podporu jiné osoby (senioři, z...
Authors: Křížková, Alena - Pospíšilová, Kristýna - Marková Volejníčková, Romana - Maříková, Hana
ČR vykazuje dlouhodobě jeden z nejvyšších rozdílů v průměrných mzdách mužů a žen (GPG) v rámci EU. Za příčinu vy-sokého GPG bývá v ČR často považována rozdílná úroveň vzdělání anebo segregace do kategorií zaměstnání. Segrega-ce do kategorií zaměstnání nicméně vysvětluje pouze asi...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The Covid-19 pandemic had a particularly severe impact on people in a vulnerable position, such as solo mothers living alone with their children. In this article I use an intersectional approach in order to understand how their different positions in life affected their ability t...
Mezi oceněnými byla i Mgr. Radka Dudová, Ph.D., z oddělení Gender a sociologie.
Authors: Mitchell, Eva
The book explores the structure and level of financial support addressed to families with children in the Czech Republic and 16 other European countries as of January 2004. Through analysis of tax-benefit system it examines where the Czech Republic stands in respect of family sup...
Authors: Sloboda, Zdeněk
The text is based on one of three work-life balance case studies made by SOÚ AV ČR, v.v in the years 2006-2007. In the research were, on the level of parents-employees (fathers and mothers), company (human resources) and unions representatives, conditions for combining of wo...
Authors: Dudová, Radka, Hašková, Hana
The destabilisation of the institution of mariage has two important consequences: the difficult situation of single and divorced mothers parenting alone, and the loss of fathers involvement in childcare and education.
Authors: Maříková, Hana
This paper contributes to the debate on the relative impact of institutions or cultural values by analyzing parental attitudes to childcare, i.e. by focusing on the micro level of decisions in families instead of the macro level o...
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Saxonberg, Steven
The authors combine historical and sociological institutional analysis to show that despite thepolitical and socio-economic transformation in 1990s, the institutional development during andbefore the communist era provides the best explanation for current childcare policies in Ce...
