Autoři: Kolářová, Marta
Text se zaměřuje na alternativní životní styly a subkultury v Česku definované jinak než vztahem k hudbě a mládeži a využívá při tom koncept subkultury kulturních kreativců (Ray, Anderson, 2000), který souvisí s konvergencí sociálních hnutí a kontrakultur od 60. let minulého stol...
Autoři: Raudenská, Petra
Following recent literature, this study focused on the mediating mechanisms through which cultural capital leads to students’ higher grades and academic ability. Structural modeling was applied to 2018 CZ_PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) data and the results...
Autoři: Raudenská, P., Hamplová, D.
This study investigated the effects of family socioeconomic status on children’s academic performance as mediated by their home environment and children’s characteristics, with special attention to gender differences. Structural modeling was applied to a nationally representative...
Autoři: Raudenská, Petra
This study focused on the social determinants of the objectified state of cultural capital in adulthood. It examined whether intergenerational transmission is still the dominant determinant of the size of a person’s home library in post-communist Czech society. We applied structu...
Autoři: Hamplová, Dana, Raudenská, Petra
This study investigated family scholarly culture’s effects on parental educational aspirations, with special attention paid to gender differences based on the ideas of stratified parenting and a sociocultural approach to parenting. Two-level structural modeling was applied to nat...