Autoři: Šafr, J.
Kapitola se zabývá vazbou mezi spotřebními preferencemi a vertikálním – třídním postavením v současné české společnosti. Představeny jsou teoretické modely kulturní spotřeby a pozice v sociální struktuře (homologie, individualizace, kulturní všežroutství), jejichž platnost je ově...
Autoři: Raudenská, Petra
This study focused on the social determinants of the objectified state of cultural capital in adulthood. It examined whether intergenerational transmission is still the dominant determinant of the size of a person’s home library in post-communist Czech society. We applied structu...
Autoři: Šafr, Jiří, Magdaléna Gorčíková, Natalie Simonová
Úspěšnost školáků v přechodu na akademickou větev vzdělávání je determinována sociokulturním zázemím v rodině, což dokumentují výzkumné studie většinou až v pozdějších fázích vzdělávací trajektorie při přechodu na terciární stupeň. V českém prostředí byla dosud jen malá pozo...
Autoři: Patočková, Věra, Jiří Šafr & Magdaléna Gorčíková
Organised leisure activities constitute an important source of experience for school-age children in the Czech Republic. Based on data collected in a longitudinal study, the aim of this paper is to explore two issues. Firstly, to what extent is children’s participation in extracu...
Autoři: Raudenská, Petra, Bašná, Kristýna.
For decades, social stratification research has focused on the effect of families’ cultural capital on their offspring’s educational attainment. However, few studies have focused on the shaping of individuals’ cultural capital. This study aimed to examine the effects of family ba...
Autoři: Křížková, Alena, Penner, Andrew, M., Petersen, Trond
Using firm-level data from the Czech Republic in the years 1998, 2002, and 2004, we examine whether the introduction of legislative measures for gender equality connected with the accession to the European Unio...
Autoři: Raudenská, P., Hamplová, D.
This study investigated the effects of family socioeconomic status on children’s academic performance as mediated by their home environment and children’s characteristics, with special attention to gender differences. Structural modeling was applied to a nationally representative...
Autoři: Kolářová, Marta, Anna Oravcová
Autoři: Anja Decker
Collective 'uprooting', 'sick' villages and a new rural generation: Symbolic distinctions of Lifestyle migrants in the Czech borderlands. The paper adds to the debate on rural transformation and social differentiation through privileged mobility and migration. Using lifestyle mig...
Autoři: Vašát, Petr
The paper repositions homelessness in existing cities by highlighting the importance of transformative economic agency. Relying on a combination of long-term ethnographic research in the city of Pilsen, a traditional industrial second-order city in Czechia, and political–economic...
Autoři: Kolářová, Marta (ed.)
The book focuses on subcultures, in particular on youth music subcultures in the contemporary Czech Republic. It presents traditional and postmodern theories and approaches to the study of subcultures that have been developed both in the Western and Czech post-socialist contexts....
Autoři: Chorvát, Ivan, Jiří Šafr
Leisure Activities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Are the Factors that Influence them Nationally Specific?This article focuses on the factors that influence leisure time in Slovakia and the Czech Republic by using a dataset from coordinated surveys on leisure time carried ou...