Found 431 publications (displayed results 41 - 60)

For decades, research on democracy has produced evidence that the peoples of countries in Central Europe are less satisfied with the way democracy works in their countries than people in Western Europe. Using the data from the European Social Survey (ESS) I explore, how satisfaction with the way democracy works (SWD) changed in these countries between 2004 and 2014 and test the impact of satisfaction with the present state of the economy and trust in parliament on SWD.

Topic: legitimacy

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

This article focuses on the relationship between young adults’ cog- nitive abilities and individual partner preferences. We worked with the Pref- erence NSZ 2017 data set, which contains data on partner preferences and the results of the National Comparative Secondary-School Exams of Czech high school graduates, and our analyses, using logistic regression, confirmed a ten- dency towards homophily on the level of cognitive abilities and university education.

Topic: family

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

In the former Czechoslovakia during the communist dictatorship (1948–1989), the right for adequate education was largely denied to people with intellectual disability (ID). However, since the first decade of the 21st century, the Czech education system has gradually shifted from the strategy of segregation to inclusion of all pupils (including those with ID) into common primary schools.

Topic: education

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

The paper explores the association between housework, earnings, and education. In contrast to the majority of existing studies from Western countries, this paper tests the bargaining theory in the Czech Republic. Given the high female labor force participation coupled with a tendency for women to drop out of the labor market for several years after childbirth, the country provides an interesting context to test the theory.

Topic: gender, work, family

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: wages and incomes, social inequalities

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

This paper analyses the relationships between income inequality and corruption in Europe and looks specifically at post-communist European countries. The scientific community agrees that there is important relationship between income inequality and corruption and many authors believe that low income inequality is connected to low corruption. According to empirical papers, this is true not only on the European scale, but also on a

Topic: value orientations, corruption

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

The paper explores the link between employment and subjective well-being among mothers with small children. Using a pooled sample of the ESS 2004–2014 data from 30 European countries. Analyzing multiple measures of subjective well-being, the paper shows that homemakers are happier than full-time workers. There were no significant differences between homemakers and part-time workers.

Topic: work, family

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

The paper explores cross-national differences in the link between marital status, smoking and binge drinking. Using the International Social Survey Data (ISSP Health and Health Care) from 2011, it tests whether the gap between married and single individuals depends on the prevalence of the vice in the society.

Topic: family, health

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Cross-national comparisons of fear of crime have been gaining in popularity within the academic community, as they allow for the examination of both individual and country-level correlates of this phenomenon. Nevertheless, the role of perceived victimization risk in fostering fear of crime with respect to various country specifics is often neglected.

Topic: crime

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

National pride is a group-based and sometimes collective emotion people feel towards their nation-state. It is often measured by the general national pride item in cross-national surveys, and Czechs belong to those nations that express low levels of general national pride in comparison with other nations. It is currently under discussion how much general national pride is influenced by social desirability and how much by specific reasons.

Topic: identity

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Nations are viewed as metaphorical families having common ancestors. Czechs, for example, share the legend about a forefather Čech who brought his people into Czechia. Analysing the Czech ISSP 2013 data we examine how the importance of having Czech descent depends on Christian denomination, openness towards immigration, perceived commonality with ‘significant Others’, foreign-born parents, and socio-demographics.

Topic: identity

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

The results of research on domestic labour consistently show that women are responsible for more housework tasks than men. At the same time, there is growing public awareness of gender role equality. However, there is little evidence on whether there has been any change in the perception of fairness in the division of housework and whether this view differs in different families.

Topic: gender, family

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: value orientations, politics (and political attitudes)

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Focusing on a subject largely neglected in mainstream Czech social stratification research so far, this study seeks to examine to what extent tertiary educational attainment and educational mobility are affected by personal factors, such as personality traits, physical attractiveness, and self-esteem. It is based on data drawn from a large-scale representative survey carried out in the Czech Republic (Neglected Human Capital Dimensions 2015) as the second follow-up to the OECD PIAAC project.

Topic: gender, education

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Data z mezinárodních výzkumů ESS ukazují, že spokojenost s fungováním demokracie v posledních letech v Česku, Estonsku, Maďarsku, Polsku a na Slovensku vzrůstá. K poklesu spokojenosti s fungováním demokracie naopak došlo v řadě starých demokracií – v Belgii, Dánsku, Finsku, Francii, Irsku, na Islandu, v Itálii, Rakousku a Španělsku. Spokojenost s fungováním demokracie souvisí se spokojeností s vývojem ekonomiky.

Topic: value orientations

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Národy jsou vnímány jako soubory vzájemně propojených rodin, které mají společné předky, žijí na historickém teritoriu a sdílejí společnou kulturu. Národní identita se utváří v kontrastu s jinými národy a národnostními skupinami. Ekonomicky prosperující země, jako je Česká republika, jsou atraktivní pro cizince - příslušníky jiných národů, kteří na její území přicházejí žít.

Topic: identity

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Topic: value orientations, education

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Value Orientations in Society

Za posledních dvacet let došlo v České republice k zásadnímu nárůstu počtu studentů na vysokých školách. Jedním z důsledků je, že v naší populaci vzrostly podíly osob s ukončeným vysokoškolským vzděláním na dvojnásobek. Prudký rozvoj vzdělávacího systému vyvolává řadu otázek. Mění se vztah mezi vzděláním, chováním, hodnotami a postoji? Rozevřela se v posledních třech desetiletích propast mezi lidmi s nižším a vyšším vzděláním, nebo se naopak rozdíly mezi nimi stírají?

Topic: value orientations, wages and incomes, politics (and political attitudes), family, social inequalities, education, lifestyle

Type of publication: MonographDepartment: Value Orientations in Society
