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  • Vnější označení a sebeoznačení českých nekatolíků v 18.-19. století

Nešpor, Zdeněk R. 2002. „Vnější označení a sebeoznačení českých nekatolíků v 18.-19. století“. Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. 10 (2): 175-196. ISSN 1210-3640.

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The author concerns in this article on Czech non-Catholics in the 18th and 19th centuriesand their outer as well as inner denotations and their changes in course of time. Before the Tolerance Decree, persecuted illegal Protestants had been usually denotated as the heretics, the non-Catholics called themselves, not always rightly, as the Evangelics (Czech term for the Protestants) or the Lutherans. In so called Tolerance period, denotations members of church of Augsburg Confession, and members of church of Helvetian Confession were in use, although in popular terminology were non-Catholics (and especially the Calvinists) usually called the Lambs, with peiorative conotations. Members of illegal sectarian movement in eastern Bohemia, non-Catholics who refused both recognised Protestant churches, was designated as religious fanatics by the administration, and as the Adamits, the Arians, the Atheists, the Deists, the Marocans etc. by the people. This denotations were established to suggest an origin and/or an essence of that particular groups, but this struggle was wrong in all cases.






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