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  • Úloha a postavení výborů Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu ČR v procesu transformace

Rakušanová, Petra. 2001. „Úloha a postavení výborů Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu ČR v procesu transformace“. Politologický časopis / Czech Journal of Political Science. 8 (1): 95-105. ISSN 1211-3247.

The article offers an analysis of the gradual institutionalization of the committees of the House of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic between 1993 and 1999. The committees are viewed as structures of expertise and politics. Article also examines the impact of the change of the Rules of Procedures on the work of committees. During the time period under discussion, parliamentary committees acted as an important tool of positive institutional transformation of the parliament.




Politics and Political Attitudes, Transformation


Deputies and Senators of the Parliament CR in the Third Term


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