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  • Transformations in professional and family trajectories in the Czech Republic

Project Duration: 2007 - 2009

Category: Projects

The research project focuses on a description and analysis of relations between professional career and family life and their development in the Czech Republic after 1989. It combines a diachronic approach based on comparison of the employment patterns of cohorts having children after 1989 with older cohorts, and an analysis of factors contributing to the differentiation of strategies of work/family balance in 1990s. Specifically, it aims to analyse changes in timing of the transition to parenthood and in men’s and women’s employments patterns over the family course. The emphasis is given to analysis of their differentiation according gender, qualification, values and family forms. Project is based on a secondary analysis of existing data files. The findings will help explain changes in family behaviour in 1990 s and the impacts of economic and social changes on work and family arrangements.

Principal Investigator:

Contracting authority:

Grant Agency of the Czech Republic


Value Orientations in Society

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