Project duration: 
2012 - 2014

The presented project fills some gaps in research on international migration, especially the secondary migration of immigrants. The explanation of the features of internal mobility of immigrants and its impact on socio-spatial differentiation of the population is emphasised. The essential aim is to find the most important factors, influencing internal mobility of selected groups of immigrants, and to analyse the level of their integration. Attention if given also to the identification of immigrant centres and explanation of migrants migratory trajectories. Considering the lack of information about this issue, it is necessary to carry out an extensive data collection. Quantitative and qualitative methods is used in the project, primarily interviews and questionnaire surveys of selected samples of immigrants in Czechia. A secondary analysis of statistical data from the population register and the Population Census 2011 is carried out alongside.

Principal investigator: 
migration and mobility
Grant agency: 
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)

Publikace vydané v rámci projektu (celkem 2, zobrazeno 1 - 2)

Bernard, Josef, Mikešová, Renata

The article examines the integration process of Ukrainians and Vietnamese in the Czech Republic. The authors focus on socio-cultural integration, the pre- and post-migration factors integration depends on, and the differences in the integration process of the two communities. Using survey data they show that the integration process of each group follows a different trajectory and depends on different factors. Ukrainians tend to be more integrated than Vietnamese.

migration and mobility
Local and regional studies
Typ publikace:
Article with impact factor
Vašát Petr, Josef Bernard

Nejpočetnější cizineckou minoritou současné České republiky jsou Ukrajinci. Dle Českého statistického úřadu jich na území ČR pobývá 105 239 (ČSÚ k 31. 12. 2013). Tradičně se koncentrují do velkých měst a jsou zaměstnáváni v manuálních profesích. Od příjezdu prvních pracovníků se ovšem řada aspektů jejich migrace změnila. Například vedle původní cirkulační, resp. podvojné životní strategie, lze stále více zaznamenat zájem o usazení v ČR.

migration and mobility, work, social capital, social inequalities
Local and regional studies
Typ publikace:
Article with impact factor