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  • Data sources, research on data quality, standards, and methods of data harmonisation for the purposes of international comparative social research and integration into the CESSDA network

Project Duration: 2009 - 2011

Category: Projects

This project aims to strengthen the database and methodological platform of cross-national empirical research in the social sciences. To achieve this aim, the project will (1) ensure the acquisition, expert processing and archiving of data from socio-economic surveys and make them available to the public for the purposes of secondary analysis and (2) perform methodological research in the field of data management standards, survey data quality, data comparability and harmonisation. In this manner, the project will produce empirical material to be included in the international data exchange systems operated by CESSDA, the European network of data organizations, and provide a knowledge base for supporting the better utilisation of national and international data infrastructures and Czech participation in comparative research projects. At the same time, it will provide a basis for the larger involvement of the Czech Republic in the project of performing a major upgrade of the CESSDA infrastructure, which has been included in the ESFRI Roadmap for European Research Infrastructures and Czech national priorities within the ESFRI Roadmap.

Principal Investigator:


Sociological Data

Contracting authority:

Ministry Project


Czech Social Science Data Archive

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