Authors: Nikischer, Richard, Alena Madziková
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
Analysis of the socio-economic values, mainly with respect to work, time, collective entities and governance, in the contemporary Czech society and their comparison with Western Europe. The authors maintains strong historic and socio-cultural embeddedness of these categories.
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Foto: Jindřich Štreit
Každý rok české věznice opustí přibližně 10 tisíc vězňů. V přepočtu na 100 tisíc obyvatel máme šestou největší vězeňskou populaci v rámci Evropské unie – na konci července 2021 počet činil téměř 19 tisíc vězňů. Jaké nástrahy ale po propuštění vězně čekají, jak se s nimi vypořádáv...
Authors: Matějů, Petr, Natalie Simonová, Jana Straková
The chapter presents the main results of the survey of university students in their first year of study. It focuses primarily on social composition of students, their aspirations and further plans, factors leading to the decision to study certain branch and specialization, studen...
Authors: Hamplová, Dana
The study analyses data from the Czech ISSP 2008. First, we analyze the traditional measures of religiosity. We show that the decline in church membership is typical for small churches with mass membership while smaller churches experience a relatively dynamic growth. Afterwards,...
Authors: Kunštát, Daniel
Authors: Večerník, Jiří, Vladislav Flek
The paper presents various data on employment and unemployment trends, wage developments, and even workers’ opinions and their potential labour market strategies, as reflected in various surveys. In particular, it identifies the existing labour market rigidities and show th...
Authors: Stöckelová, Tereza
The main aim of the ESS – survey project is creation of the national node of the ESS ERIC ( in the Czech Republic and the realization of the fifth, sixth and seventh round of ESS survey. The European Social Survey is an academically driven cross-natio...
Trvání projektu: 2010 - 2015
Authors: Šalamounová, Petra, Ondřej Nývlt
The chapter is devoted to the non-marital fertility in European countries with special focus on the Czech Republic. It analyses data from demographic statistics as well as survey data.  
Authors: Bayer, Ivo, Jitka Kolářová, Marta Kolářová, Martin Vávra
Essay examines content of magazine Bravo from the point of view of life style intermediation, inequality reproduction and value orientation. Values that the magazine shows on young celebrities’ stories are success, diligence, independence, physical attraction and traditiona...
Authors: Šafr, Jiří
Šafr, Jiří. 2008. „"The concept of "social cohesion" in public opinion and value attitudes towards the organisation of social relations." Naše společnost 6 (2): 28-38.We pursue how the concept of "social cohesion" is understood by the Czech public. Answers to the open-ended quest...
Authors: Josef Bernard, Tomáš Kostelecký, Martin Šimon
Článek se věnuje problematice kontextových vlivů na volební chování. V části českéodborné literatury bylo konstatováno, že vliv prostorového kontextu na volební chování v Česku je nevýrazný a že převážnou část teritoriální diferenciace volebních výsledků lze vysvětlit j...
This three year project will examine the reversal of the gender gap in education and its implications for marriage markets and family relationships.
Authors: Haukanes, Haldis, Hana Hašková
This article explores young people’s imaginations of their future family life. Based on qualitative research among young people in North Bohemia, it considers social reproduction and change within the domain of gendered labour and parenting. This is done on the backdrop of post-1...
Authors: Šafr, Jiří, Tereza Bariekzahyová
The monograph deals with intergenerational transmition of social inequalities during family socialization employing data from the survey "Distinction and Values" (2008) which surveyed cohorts ages 30–34 along with their parents. The results show: 1. strong reprodu...
