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Curriculum vitae


2018 - 2022: Ph.D. - obor Sociologie, FF UK, Praha

2016 - 2018: Mgr. - obor Sociologie, FF UK, Praha

2013 - 2016: Bc. - obor Sociologie a sociální politika, FSV UK, Praha

Field of specialisation: 
  • metodologie kvantitativního výzkumu
  • testování ekvivalence, vývoj škál
  • dotazníkové šetření
  • osobní pohoda, štěstí, životní spokojenost, hodnotové orientace
Teaching activities: 

2022 - Insights on Current Society (Wellbeing), FF UK

2021, 2022 - Úvod do kvantitativních metod sociálních věd, FF UK

2021 - Analýza dat v SPSS, FF UK

2019, 2020 - Seminář ke Statistice 2 v SPSS, FF UK

Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad: 

08/2023 - 27th Summer School in Social Science Methods: Applied Panel Data Analysis (Oliver Lipps, Ursina Kuhn)

06-07/2023 - ISER, University of Essex, UK - Research Internship (TAV Coordinate)

03/2022 - PIAAC SEM Workshop (Ronny Scherer) (online)

10-12/2021 - Centre for Educational Measurement (CEMO), University of Oslo, Norway - Research Internship (EEA and Norway Grants)

09/2021 - GESIS, Mannheim, Germany - Research Internship (Department: Survey Design and Methodology, Team: Scale Development and Documentation)

08/2021 - 10th Summer School of Survey Methodology: Questionnaire design (Marek Fuchs), Cologne, Germany (online)

08/2021 - 10th Summer School of Survey Methodology: A (Short) Course on (Short) Scale Development (Clemens Lechner, Matthias Bluemke, Isabelle Schmidt), Cologne, Germany (online)

07-09/2019 - ESS ERIC HQ, City, University of London, UK - Research Internship (Erasmus+)