Authors: Fialová, Kamila, Beláňová, Andrea
This paper examines the links between religion and job satisfaction. Its concern is to compare Eastern and Western Europe. We use the 2015 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) data covering both non-religious individuals and individuals affiliated to a religious denominat...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
The chapter focuses on Europeanization of interest structures, namely Europeanization of industrial relations on the company level, first of all in case of supranational company. Attention is paid to the conflict of concepts of industrial relation in the mother company and the da...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
The paper deals with the influence of foreign direct investment on the Europeanization of industrial relations under the term sof ongoing economic and political integration of Europe. The foreign direct investment in CEE countries can play a considerable role in modernizationof t...
Authors: Tholen, Jochen, Ludovit Czíria, Eike Hemmer, Zdenka Mansfeldová, Ewa Sharman
Authors: Sunega, Petr, Martin Lux, Martina Mikeszová
The study includes comparison of migration levels among selected EU-27 countries, analysis of regional differences in the level of internal migration in the CR, overview of selected theories explaining the relationship between housing conditions and labour migration, results of e...
Authors: Soukup, Tomáš, Martin Ďurďovič