Authors: Šimon, Martin, Mikešová, Renata, Eds.
The book presents an introductory information about demographic change in Central Europe. It is particularly targeted at practicioners and policy makers at local and regional level who deal with impacts of changing populations in their work. It presents an overview of population...
Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš
The aim of the text is to study interaction of the regional, national and European influences in the pre-accession Czech Republic in thesphere of public administration and regional policy. Special attention was paid to the role of the Committee of the Regions,...
Authors: Patočková, Věra
The main objective of this book is to analyse the processes of cooperation, partnership and participation in local public administration. The authors ask: How local actors understand to these processes, what are main assets and shortcomings of mentioned processes? The book contai...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka
Based on the data of the research Regional Elites 2004 a measure of cooperation importance is counted. It indicates an ability to cooperate with the different actors influencing regional decision-making. It could be useful for a comparison with the other groups of elites. Regiona...
Authors: Stachová, Jana, Zdenka Vajdová
The main objective of this book is to analyse the processes of cooperation, partnership and participation in local public administration. The authors ask: How local actors understand to these processes, what are main assets and shortcomings of mentioned processes? The book contai...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka
Sborník sestává z příspěvků přednesených na semináři Hierarchie jako síla i slabina komunistického vládnutí, který se konal ve dnech 11.-12. září 2003 na Fakultě sociálních věd UK. Celkovým záměrem semináře bylo pokud možno nezkresleně a bez předsudků ukázat a interpretovat proce...
Authors: Bernard, Josef
The main objective of this book is to analyse the processes of cooperation, partnership and participation in local public administration. The authors ask: How local actors understand to these processes, what are main assets and shortcomings of mentioned processes? The book contai...
Authors: Nejdl, Pavel, Daniel Čermák (eds.)
The objective of this study is to describe the basic discourse of cooperation, participation, and partnership in terms of how it is defined in the process of democratic administration in the Czech Republic and its regions. This basic discourse is determined from a legislative per...
Authors: Ďurďovič, Martin, Kateřina Bernardyová, Daniel Čermák
Sociologický ústav Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i., se věnuje řešení výzkumného projektu, jehož tématem je zapojení veřejnosti do jednání o vyhledávání lokality pro výstavbu hlubinného úložiště. V roce 2014 byla realizována první část výzkumu, která měla povahu sběru tzv. kvalitativníc...
Authors: Vobecká, Jana, Daniel Čermák
The main objective of this book is to analyse the processes of cooperation, partnership and participation in local public administration. The authors ask: How local actors understand to these processes, what are main assets and shortcomings of mentioned processes? The book contai...
Authors: Bernard, Josef
The chapter summarizes the results of contemporary social research on the processes of participation and partnership at local level in the Czech republic. The papers are classified according to their theoretical focus and the empirical field of interest.
Authors: Ďurďovič, Martin, Daniel Čermák, Kateřina Bernardyová
Sociologický ústav Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i., se věnuje řešení výzkumného projektu, jehož tématem je zapojení veřejnosti do jednání o vyhledávání lokality pro výstavbu hlubinného úložiště vysoce radioaktivních odpadů. V roce 2015 byla realizována druhá část výzkumu, která mě...
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Tomáš Kostelecký, Michal Illner, Jana Vobecká
The book concerns the functioning of local governments in rural municipalities in the Czech Republic and their possibilities to impact local development. The authors describe formal and informal features of local governments in rural municipalities, their agenda and decision maki...
Authors: Nejdl, Pavel
The objective of this study is to describe the basic discourse of cooperation, participation, and partnership in terms of how it is defined in the process of democratic administration in the Czech Republic and its regions. This basic discourse is determined from a legislative per...
Authors: Ryšavý, Dan, Čermák, Daniel
V kapitole se věnujeme těm, kteří žijí nejen "pro", ale také "z" politiky a druhé úrovní místních samospráv (v ČR míněny kraje). Zajímáme se o to, kolik času zastupitelé, kteří se věnují politice "naplno" věnují záležitostem kraje a které faktory ovl...
Authors: Patočková, Věra, Daniel Čermák, Kateřina Vojtíšková a kol.
The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources...
Authors: Čermák, Daniel, Jana Stachová
The aim of this study is to describe the opinions of the citizens and representatives of the local institutions relating to the civic participation on the public affairs in the local community. The paper responses to following questions, more or less in the descriptive manner: Ho...
Authors: Čermák, Daniel, Eva Kyselá, Martin Ďurďovič, Kateřina Bernardyová
Výzkumná zpráva analyzuje data, která byla získána v květnu 2015 v reprezentativním dotazníkovém šetření ve 4 ze 7 vytipovaných lokalit pro výstavbu hlubinného úložiště vyhořelého jaderného paliva a radioaktivních odpadů v ČR. Svorníkem analýzy názorů obyvatel lokalit je otázka r...
Authors: Vojtíšková, Kateřina
The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources...
Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš, Patočková, Věra, Vobecká, Jana
The article represents the results of empirical research aimed at the analysis of potential relationships between thelevel of social capital, the level of economic development and government performance in the Czech regions. The results of analysis do not support hypothesis about...
