Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
The chapter focuses on the economic policy making between government and parliament. On the beginning there is analysed the legislative framework of this relation, then the division of power between government and parliament, based on the accountability concept. The result of thi...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka (ed.)
A role of social capital and of its individual dimensions working at overcoming the impacts of economic crises is analysed. Study focuses on a detailed analysis of the inhabitants of the Kraj Vysočina with a supposed high level of social capital, and of Ustecky kraj with a suppos...
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R., Jiří Večerník (eds.)
The volume presents a study of some of the central dimensions of the complex changes Czechsociety has experienced in connection with the transformation after 1989 and the country’s accessionto the European Union. It expands on standard mainstream economic, sociological and...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
In the paper the author describes sociological understanding of the disparities between ideologies of Czech transformation and its social, economic and political reality.
Authors: Merkel, Wolfgang, Zdenka Mansfeldová
The study evaluates the tranformation process and its outcomes in the Czech Republic. It was written acording given outline and criteria as a part of recherche studys for Carl Bertelsmann Price 2001 for succesfull strategies in development and transformation. The study includes a...
Tereza Stöckelová byla hostem pořadu Studio Leonardo na ČRo Plus, kde hovořila o současné situaci akademických pracovišť.
V posledních týdnech se objevilo několik zajímavých, avšak kratších komentářů pracovnic a pracovníků Sociologického úřadu AV ČR. Přinášíme tedy jejich souhrn.
Naše vědkyně a věci jsou často dotazováni ze strany tištěných i digitálních médií na nejrůznější témata. V posledním týdnu se těchto témat sešlo několik.
Authors: Stöckelová, Tereza
The chapter deals with the moral and political economy of science while using the concept of "modes of ordering" developed by John Law. On the basis of an ethnographic research in a social scientific academic institution it discusses modes of ordering as they are deploy...
Authors: Hampl, Stanislav, Jiří Vinopal, Jiří Šubrt
Authors: Mansfeldová, Z., P. Rakušanová
Authors: Lyons, Pat
In this article, a comparison is made between economic and identity explanations of preferences toward EU membership in the Czech Republic. This research demonstrates that economics rather then identity is a more powerful explanation of public opinion toward accession. The result...
Jaké byly společenské a politické dopady ekonomických otřesů? Zavrhnou Češi kapitalismus a demokracii jako takovou?
Authors: Machonin, Pavel, Milan Tuček, Petr Hartoš, Martin Nekola
The first part of the study looks at various theoretical approaches encompassed with the concept of elites in sociology and at various techniques used to study elites. The second part presents a factual analysis of the development of political and economic elites over the past fi...
