Authors: Bernard, Josef, Daniel Čermák, Tomáš Kostelecký, Renáta Mikešová, Zdenka Vajdová
Cílem publikace je analýza role sociálního kapitálu a jeho jednotlivých složek při překonávání důsledků ekonomické krize obyvatelstvem. Text se soustředí na detailní analýzu obyvatelstva Kraje Vysočina, v němž se předpokládá vysoká úroveň sociálního kapitálu, a Ústeckého kraje, s...
Authors: Červenka, Jan
Using empirical data this paper shows that high expectations and support for transformation in the Czech republic persisted despite the initial fall in living standards. Economic and political crisis of 1997-1998 meant a turning point, however. String of several bank bankruptcies...
Authors: Mikeszová, Martina, Petr Sunega, Tomáš Kostelecký, Martin Lux, Jan Sládek
The policy paper deals with impacts of economic crisis and identifies households endangered by financial inaffordability, mainly due to unemployment reasons. After reviewing various international policies dealing with this problem, the authors propose two policies – the pro...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří, Mysíková, Martina
This article contributes to the debate about the impact of the transition on subjective well-being. After reviewing the relevant literature the authors draw on the surveys of the European Values Study of 1991, 1999 and 2008 to describe the trends in life satisfaction in 13 Wester...
Authors: Večerník, J., M. Mysíková
Využíváme národních a mezinárodních dat šetření EU-SILC:•k porovnání různých ukazatelů chudoby;•k porovnání dat tohoto šetření s administrativními zdroji;•k porovnání doby setrvání v chudobě podle jednotlivých ukazatelů;•k porovnání situace v České republice s...
Authors: Mysíková, Martina, Večerník, Jiří, Želinský, Tomáš
While poverty has long been a phenomenon closely related to the life cycle of family, in recent decades is increasingly dependent on the economic participation of household members. In addition, this change in post-communist countries is associated with the economic and social tr...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří, Mysíková, Martina
We use the national and international data from EU-SILC survey to compare different indicators of poverty; to compare this data source with administrative data; to compare the time of remaining in poverty according to various indicators; to compare the situation in the Czech Repu...
Authors: Mysíková, Martina
This paper uses the national EU-SILC 2013 data to analyse the impact of the distribution of personal income between partners on reported financial well-being of couples in the Czech Republic. It focuses on partners in two life stages: couples raising children and couples with emp...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří (ed.)
Kamila Fialová, Dana Hamplová, Martina Mysíková, Zdeněk R. Nešpor, Jiří Večerník (editor). Work, Values, Well-being. Czech Reality in a European Context. Prague, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2016, 416 p.The book describes the fields of work and family in the...
Authors: Mysíková, Martina
This paper aims to extend the knowledge of the relationship between within-couple income distribution and partners’ financial satisfaction, using data from the EU-SILC 2013 for 15 European countries, for the first time including data from Eastern Europe. We find that men’s prefer...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří, Mysíková, Martina
In 2015 and 2016, we published a study entitled “POVERTY IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC. A Critical Look at EU Indicators”, first in Czech (2015) and later in English (2016). The study aimed to provide a critical look at the design of poverty indicators, considering the frequency of their...
Authors: Lux, Martin, František Kuda (eds.)
The book presents the results of analyses of trends in regional differences both in affordability and availability of housing and their causes in between 2000 and 2006 in the Czech Republic. The housing affordability analysis uses new original methodology of measurement. In the f...
Authors: Vašát, Petr
Kniha je interdisciplinární a multimetodologickou studií bezdomovectví v Česku. Autor v ní čtenáři ukazuje, jak se bezdomovectví zhmotňuje na průsečíku politickoekonomických faktorů, jako jsou demokratizace společnosti nebo integrace do globální ekonomiky, a specifických doprovod...
Authors: Tuček, Milan
The first part of the study looks at various theoretical approaches encompassed with the concept of elites in sociology and at various techniques used to study elites. The second part presents a factual analysis of the development of political and economic elites over the past fi...
Authors: Mysíková, Martina
This book recapitulates the methodology of income poverty measurement applied in the EU and provides statistics and characteristics of the poor in Visegrád countries, supplemented by appendices with results for EU countries. After introducing the data, which is drawn from EU-SILC...
Authors: Červenka, Jan
The paper contains a brief analysis of economic and social development in the Czech Republic after 1989 in relation to living standard.
Authors: Fialová, Kamila, Mysíková, Martina
Cílem této studie je identifikovat hlavní faktory, které mohou působit na odolnost českých domácností vůči finančním šokům skrze vliv na vytváření úspor – krátkodobé finanční rezervy.
Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš, Josef Bernard
A role of social capital and of its individual dimensions working at overcoming the impacts of economic crises is analysed. Study focuses on a detailed analysis of the inhabitants of the Kraj Vysočina with a supposed high level of social capital, and of Ustecky kraj with a suppos...
Authors: Želinský, Tomáš, Ng, Jason Wei Jian, Mysíková, Martina
This paper proposes a novel methodology for the estimation of subjective poverty lines (SPLs) using a discrete information approach that obviates the potential discomfort of asking respondents directly about the value of their individual SPL. To estimate income SPLs, we utilize t...