2. 5. 2022
Lecture by sociologists Ruta Śpiewak and Wojciech Goszczyński on Alternative Food Networks in Poland
2. 5. 2022
Přednáška sociologů Ruty Śpiewak a Wojciecha Goszczyńskiho o alternativních potravinových sítích v Polsku.
Lucie Trlifajová, debata Českého rozhlasu Plus
Sociální antropoložka Lucie Trlifajová se účastnila veřejné debaty pořádané Českým rozhlasem Plus, věnované budoucnosti české ekonomiky. Pro kulturní deník A2larm potom odpovídala v anketě o možných dopadech energetické krize.
Authors: Decker, Anja
Rural studies have shown considerable interest in the implications the eventization of agriculture has for both rural communities and the agri-food system in the Global North. To contribute to the debate on the transformative potential of agri-food events such as farm festivals a...
Authors: Šafr, Jiří
The author address two associated issues concerning culture consumption and stratification: hypothesis social classes in the Czech Republic are intensively associated with distinct lifestyles and social sources of cultural omnivorousness. In the introductory part cultural consump...
Authors: Vinopal, Jiří
The article informs of the result of Public Opinion Research Centre [Institute of Sociology of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic] 2007 survey that is a part of long-term project of the place of beer and pubs in Czech society. It deals with the topics like consumption and popu...
Authors: Vinopal, Jiří
The article informs of the result of Public Opinion Research Centre [Institute of Sociology of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic] 2006 survey that is a part of long-term project of the place of beer and pubs in Czech society. It deals with the topics like a structure and amou...
Marta Kolářová / Fokus Václava Moravce
Socioložka Marta Kolářová vystoupila v pořadu Fokus Václava Moravce, kde hovořila na téma plýtvání s potravinami.
Authors: Smith, J., Jehlička, Petr
This paper investigates notable examples of sustainable lifestyles in relation to food systems. It explores the surprisingly neglected case of widely practiced and environmentally sustainable food self-provisioning in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. Our argument is roo...
Authors: Klicperova, Martina, Jaroslav Košťál, Jiří Vinopal
Authors: Duží, Barbora, Smutná, Zdeňka, Vávra, Jan
Popularizační článek, věnující se proměnám stravování, nákupu lokálních potravin a saamozásobitelství během pandemie Covid-19. Výsledky prezentované v článku vycházejí ze sociologického šetření reprezentativního souboru 515 respondentů v Česku na podzim 2021.
11. 6. 2018
Sociologický ústav ve spolupráci s Dobře naloženy a Zachraň jídlo si Vás dovolují pozvat na workshop, který se uskuteční v rámci výzkumného programu Strategie AV21 - Potraviny pro budoucnost.
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
This article focuses on the contemporary back-to-the-land migration of permaculture practitioners in post-socialist (1989–) Czechia. It explores the ideals and practices of self-sufficiency among back-to-the-land migrants as they relate to their migration motives and post-migrati...
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Socioložka z oddělení Lokálních a regionálních studií Marta Kolářová vystoupila v pořadu Nedej se!, který odvysílala Česká televize.
Environmental degradation, the pandemic and growing food prices highlighted the vulnerability and unsustainability of the current food system. Its resilience can be enhanced by developing closer links with informal sources of food. The recent research shifted the interpretation o...
Trvání projektu: 2024 - 2026
Authors: Chorvát, I., J. Šafr (eds.)
Chorvát, I., J. Šafr (eds.). 2019. Leisure, Society and Culture in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON.SummaryLeisure is often the value to which people attach importance in their lives. This book deals with leisure time at the dawn of the 21s...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
The article focuses on self-reliance and DIY in eco-gardens. Self-reliance does not only includes food self-provisioning, but also housing, energy, making objects for everyday use, healing and homeschooling.  
29. 6. 2021
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. a nezisková organizace Bezobalu z. ú. Vás zvou na ZERO WASTE NAKUPOVÁNÍ & DIY WORKSHOP.
29. 7. 2021
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. a iniciativa Zachraň jídlo Vás zvou na WORKSHOP zaměřený na předcházení plýtvání potravinami na téma CUKETA.
13. 10. 2021 - 15. 10. 2021
Interactions between formality and informality in urban contexts: Insights from the margins
CESCAME (Centre for the Study of Social Change and the Material Environment) invites you to the online conference organised (online) at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, 13 – 15. 10., 2 – 5 pm each day (GMT +2 / Prague time).
