Authors: Křížková, Alena, Penner, Andrew, M., Petersen, Trond
Using firm-level data from the Czech Republic in the years 1998, 2002, and 2004, we examine whether the introduction of legislative measures for gender equality connected with the accession to the European Unio...
Authors: Decker, Anja
Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe rarely find their way into the debate on rural gender inequality. In this article, I aim to mitigate this imbalance by exploring everyday arrangements of women with dependent children in a peripheralised rural region of the Czech Repub...
The measures to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the economic “freezing” and recession of the global economy afterwards incur important social and economic costs that are distributed unequally among different social groups. The project analyses the impacts...
Trvání projektu: 2021 - 2023
Project aim The aim of RESISTIRÉ is to 1) understand the impact of COVID-19 policy responses on behavioural, social and economic inequalities in the EU27, Serbia, Turkey, Iceland, and the UK on the basis of a conceptual gender+ framework, and 2) design, devise and pilot policy so...
Trvání projektu: 2021 - 2023
V průběhu tohoto měsíce badatelé a badatelky Sociologického ústavu AV ČR vystupovali v médiích. Co se nevešlo do samostatných aktualit?
Authors: Alena Křížková, Kristýna Pospíšilová
The article addresses the influence of parenthood on the gender pay gap (GPG). The linked employer − employee data available that is suitable for a detailed GPG analysis, does not include parenthood in Czechia. It is thus possible to examine the relationship between the GPG and p...
The project develops research on paid parental leave (PPL) arrangements from a social sustainability perspective. We enrich knowledge of social inequalities related to institutional settings, discursive framing, access and use of PPL arrangements for different groups. We cooperat...
Trvání projektu: 2022 - 2026
The Gender & Sociology Research Department is the key research institution  in the Czech Republic specialising in gender studies and feminist theory and methodology. The department publishes the transdisciplinary journal Gender and Research devoted to gender studies and femin...
Vedoucí oddělení: PhDr. Alena Křížková, Ph.D.
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The chapter is resuming the findings of ten qualitative studies of specific occupations and social groups. It concentrates mainly on two phenomenons that characterise contemporary labour markets: the increasing flexibility of work conditions and labour markets, and the marginalis...
Naše socioložka Marcela Linková v rozhovoru pro magazín Ona Dnes.
Společná tisková zpráva Sociologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i., Otevřené společnosti a NESEHNUTÍ ze dne 5. února 2018
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Vedoucí oddělení: Mgr. Nela Hesová
ESA 2015
Na konci srpna, 25.–28. 8. 2015, se bude v Praze konat významná, již 12. mezinárodní sociologická konference Evropské sociologické asociace. Zúčastní se jí rekordní počet 3500 vědců a vědkyň, především z Evropy, ale i z mnoha mimoevropských zemí. Konferenci pořádá Sociologický ús...